Applied R&D And The Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) has begun. We are already witnessing massive disruptions in different forms and levels in most aspects of our businesses and lives. The determinants of business success are changing. Incremental and Non-R&D innovation will not be adequate for business leadership in this new industrial age. There is a compelling need to augment traditional innovation strategies with R&D-driven innovation strategies, particularly involving Deep Tech. This paper explores the business implications of 4IR, and explains how companies can venture into Applied Tech R&D to achieve long-term business leadership.

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The Significance of Industrial Revolutions

The term ‘Industrial Revolution’ refers to an age of industrialization when human civilization transitions from manual and/or low-end machine-driven processes, systems and technologies to more advanced ones; thus leading to significant transformations in business, economic, cultural, lifestyle and social orders. Each industrial revolution has been a major inflexion point in human history. Each of them have witnessed resistance from multiple quarters, the phasing out and destruction of old orders, and the creation or coming-of-age of new orders. Just like Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, companies that adapted well survived and led the way for the next generation, while the rest became history.

The First Industrial Revolution started in the 1780s (1760s per some economists) and continued till the 1830s & 1840s. This period marked the transition from a rural agrarian society to an urban industrial society, initially in Britain and subsequently in other parts of Europe and the United States. This was a period when humans started evolving from leveraging animals and hand-made tools to basic mechanical systems. For instance, mechanized cotton spinning was introduced, machine tools were invented, and the steam engine was developed. Iron production improved both in quantity and quality, chemical processes developed further, and many simple but effective process and product innovations took place.

The Second Industrial Revolution started in the 1870s and continued till World War I. This period witnessed the widespread installation of railroad networks, invention of the telephone and the telegraph, large-scale production of iron and steel, massive improvement in chemical processes, invention of the airplane and the automobile, and most importantly, the emergence of electricity as a usable source of energy.

The Third Industrial Revolution started in the 1950s & 1960s, and was characterized by significant developments in electronics and computing, the emergence of the internet, advances in nuclear energy, massive improvements in healthcare, the advent of globalization, the usage of automation systems in manufacturing and production, and the emergence of digital technologies. This revolution is in its final stages of evolution, and will get soon phased out as the Fourth Industrial Revolution gains momentum.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution refers to our present industrial age when existing and emerging scientific and technological breakthroughs from multiple fields are converging to produce massive disruptions in every industry. These breakthroughs include 3D Printing, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Driving, Big Data, advances in Biotechnology (e.g. DNA Sequencing, Genome Engineering), Blockchain, advances in Communication Technologies (e.g. 5G), advances in Cryptography, Cyber-Physical Systems, Data Science, Energy Generation & Storage, Human-Machine Interaction, Machine-to-Machine Intelligence, advances in Materials Engineering, the Internet of Things, the Internet of Services, Intelligent Robotics, Nanotechnology, Quantum Computing & Super Computing, Smart Factories, Synthetic Biology, and others. Professor Klaus Schwab first introduced this phrase of ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ in 2015. We are currently in the very early stages of this industrial revolution.

Business Implications of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)

“The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed.” William Gibson.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is already here. The general consensus among business leaders, futurists and technologists is that what we have witnessed till now is nothing compared to what is likely to happen. It is largely unclear at this point how 4IR will lead to specific future scenarios. However, two things are certain. Firstly, massive disruptions will affect every business, individual and society. No entity will be left untouched. Secondly, the pace of change will have a much greater and non-linear acceleration vis-à-vis the previous industrial revolutions. Consequently, the impact of 4IR will be greater in intensity and broader in scope than what we have experienced at any singular point in human history.

Most companies today are far from being ready to address the challenges of 4IR. Ideas, processes, standards, regulations and technologies that have driven success till now are not likely to work as we progressively move into the future. Here are some of the key implications of this industrial revolution.

1. Massive but unknown disruptions.

The types of disruptions that businesses will go through in this new industrial age are unknown. Massive changes are expected over the next two or three decades, but there is very little understanding about the specific nature and structure of these changes. At best, there are some broad theories, such as ‘Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) will become a reality’, or ‘Humans will colonize Mars, or some other planet.’ The convergence of multiple advanced technologies, the interplay of different factors (economic, environmental, legal, political, scientific, social and technological), and the non-linear emergence/evolution of VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) environments will fundamentally transform how individuals, businesses, governments and societies have operated till now. The challenge is to cope with not only massive changes, but also with an increasingly accelerating pace of changes. The latter part is the more difficult one to understand.

One critical question that global foresight experts and strategic planners are trying to understand is what kind of technologies and companies will replace the leading incumbents of today. For instance, companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft and others disrupted the traditional computing landscape in the first half of this decade through Cloud Computing. Now the new question is: What will replace Cloud Computing? It would be unrealistic to assume that there will be no technology contenders to challenge this in the next decade. How will that new technology affect companies, including the current Cloud companies that have become enormously profitable over the years? Similarly, companies like Netflix, Uber and Airbnb have disrupted the entertainment, transport and hospitality industries respectively in recent years. What types of companies will challenge and disrupt their businesses in the next decade? What types of technologies will those companies leverage?

2. Every company must transform into a technology company.

4IR is not just about technology, but also about new business ecosystems, process innovations, improved governance structures, new management ideas, and non-technology transformations. Having said that, technology will still be the single-biggest factor driving it. Other factors will generally play around technology. This will necessitate every company to be a technology company – no matter which industry it belongs to, and which customer group it serves. This new dynamic will require a fundamental shift in the mindsets of most business leaders, and in the manner, companies have traditionally positioned themselves internally as well as in the marketplace.

Moreover, traditional technology will only play a limited role in 4IR. The key enabler will be ‘Deep Tech’, a term used for advanced technologies that are based on engineering breakthroughs and deep scientific discoveries. These technologies (such as AI, Blockchain, IoT, Robotics, and others) have the potential to enable high-end innovation-at-scale. Deep Tech is still evolving. Its supplier market is in formative stages; the associated technologies are at early stages of their maturity cycles; there is a general lack of specific governance frameworks; and the global talent pool is very limited. High initial costs, development schedule over-runs, functional and performance defects, interoperability and extensibility issues, and high maintenance costs are quite common. Many Deep Tech solutions exist only in their prototype forms (contrary to claims made by vendors), and not as full-scale production systems. Having said that, the impact of Deep Tech is already felt in many industries, and as it evolves, it will supersede most known factors of business success.

3. Rising inequality among companies.

The overwhelming influence of technology, particularly Deep Tech, will widen the gap between the innovators and the rest. For instance, 5G communication is expected to be a key driver of Smart Cities, Intelligent Grids, Next-Generation Healthcare, Digitization of Services, the Internet of Things, etc. Adopters of 5G communication will be able to develop and deploy applications that run exclusively on 5G networks. This new technology, when leveraged with Machine Learning, Blockchain or Edge Computing, will enable the adopters to solve new customer problems, or existing customer problems more effectively and efficiently than before. This is likely to significantly boost their revenues and/or business profitability, and will create a business gap between them and the rest. Similarly, companies that have already started developing critical solutions leveraging Artificial Intelligence will steal a march on their late-adopting peers. It is generally observed that late adopters and laggards are seldom able to shrink those gaps with early adopters that were powered by advanced technologies.

4. The emergence of new forms of Talent (or Labour).

4IR will witness the emergence of new forms of talent (labour), the evolution of some of today’s forms, and the phasing-out of the low-end ones. In the 2017 book ‘What to do when machines do everything’, the authors predicted that 12% of US jobs will be automated over the next 10 years, displacing around 19 million workers. They also predicted that 21 million new jobs will be created, thus keeping the unemployment rates around the same as of today. While there are different views on the exact job statistics, there is broad consensus on one point – the displacement of existing jobs will lead to newer ones. Additionally, there will be new jobs created due to the emergence of new technologies, new use cases, new compliance and regulatory frameworks, new business processes, etc. Many of these newly created jobs will be different in forms and structures from the ones of today.

Prof. Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, holds the view that talent will be the most critical factor of production in 4IR, more than capital or any other factor. This implies that the recruitment, development, retention and management of talent will gradually become as important to companies as strategic business goals, such as revenue targets. 4IR will also necessitate major changes in workforce environments, more intensive focus on employee training, and implementation of new HR processes and regulations. The traditional working force will be augmented by gig economy workers, freelancers, contractors, and different forms of virtual workers.

5. Changes in customer behavior and preferences

Consumer behavioral and preferential patterns are changing at a fast pace due to several factors, such as increasing interests in e-experience and 360-degree experience, and human engagements with augmented/virtual reality systems, automated/AI agents and robots. The ever-increasing digital footprint of consumers are leading to new types of business models. The large-scale availability of personal data, coupled with the technological capability to capture and process that data in real-time, is turning out to be a huge disruptor. New concepts like the ‘subscription economy’ and the ‘sharing economy’ are evolving that are changing user preferences. Consumers have better options than before with the launch of hyper-personalized products and services. The digital transformation of businesses are directly and indirectly transforming individual user tastes and consumption patterns. Additionally, changes in the economic status of users (for instance, a sizeable population of major developing countries are moving from below poverty levels to the middle class) are changing user tastes and preferences. These trends will only gain greater momentum as we progress into the future.

6. Increased focus on security, privacy and safeguarding user interests

Every industrial revolution has witnessed scrutiny and skepticism from some quarter or another. For instance, during the First Industrial Revolution, a group of English textile workers, called Luddites, were extremely vocal about protecting the rights of the workers, and even went to the extent of violently protesting by destroying mechanical looms. Similarly, the Third Industrial Revolution witnessed the initiation of the Cypherpunk Movement in the 1980s, when technology activists strongly advocated the enforcement of cryptography and advanced privacy techniques to safeguard user interests. There is a strong likelihood of a similar global phenomenon in 4IR as well, and this time, it would be much bigger in demand, scale and impact.

We are already witnessing concerns about Artificial Intelligence (one of the key drivers of 4IR) from multiple groups. Technological advances also have an inherent risk in the sense that they may be used to advance the causes of terrorists, fraudsters, money launderers, hackers, and other illegal groups. The demand for increased privacy, safety and security by citizens and businesses will lead to countries upgrading their existing legal, compliance and regulatory frameworks. In addition, many countries may come together to formulate region-specific (or even global) policies, and develop new oversight institutional bodies.

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Applied Tech R&D as a Business Strategy

“If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near.” Jack Welch.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution needs organizations to develop strategic ecosystems for institutionalizing ‘innovation-at-scale’, and that too, at a faster pace than ever before. The objective is to leverage global advances in multiple fields and multiple technologies to not only build for the present, but also prepare for the future. This objective needs to be interwoven with the overall business strategy of organizations, and not merely addressed as part of the technology strategy or the product or services strategy.

The Technology Adoption Lifecycle Model posits that adopters of any new innovation or technology can be grouped into five categories: Innovators, Early Adopters, Early Majority, Late Majority and Laggards. In the age of 4IR, the probability of organizational failure is higher than ever before for the Late Majority and Laggards. Hence, it is incumbent upon companies to remain in the first three categories – Innovators, Early Adopters and Early Majority. As 4IR will be primarily driven by Deep Tech, the most effective way to remain in the top three categories is through technological research and development that are focused on solving specific business problems, i.e. Applied Tech R&D.

Moreover, we are already witnessing instances of Deep Tech significantly augmenting traditional research. A recent example is DeepMind’s success in predicting the 3D structure of a protein through genetic sequencing using Artificial Intelligence. AlphaFold, their AI system, beat 98 competitors in a protein-folding competition by successfully predicting the structure of 25 out of 43 proteins. The gap between AlphaFold and the rest was so wide that the runners-up could predict only 3 protein structures. (Read more about AlphaFold here.) This is just a small example – imagine the kind of disruption Deep Tech will enable as it evolves over the next decade.

Most companies operating outside of technology and R&D-driven industries have generally relied on Non-R&D innovation for business success. Their innovation strategy has largely been driven through incremental improvements; adoption of matured processes, governance frameworks and late-stage technologies; and re-aligning and tinkering with existing ideas, knowledge and technologies. While this strategy will always be relevant, it will not be sufficient to meet the demands of 4IR. ‘Over reliance’ on old/established technologies, old/matured processes and existing knowledge base is similar to fighting tomorrow’s war with yesterday’s ammunition. This era is different, its needs are different, and it needs new types of ammunition. Deep Tech, new process frameworks, and new knowledge creation will be the key, and that implies Tech and domain-specific R&D-driven innovation.

Mainstreaming Tech R&D

Every company has its own approach when it comes to technology and R&D adoption. This is based on the company’s vision, business goals, resources, constraints, dependencies, and external and internal dynamics. Two key aspects need critical understanding and focus:

  1. The formulation of the R&D strategy as a core business strategy (and not as a sub-strategy), and suitable metrics to measure R&D objectives.
  2. Planning R&D investments over a three-year or a five-year period. These generally include four types of costs.

(a) Cost of human capital, primarily high-end technical talent.

(b) Investments in physical and digital infrastructure needed for the R&D work.

(c) Costs pertaining to the development of an ecosystem around the R&D function (such as engagements with academia, startups, or other external innovation groups).

(d) Costs of M&A that are primarily made for acquiring critical IP or top R&D talent.

Below is an analysis of the R&D spend of some of the top global companies (based on publicly available data).

While this data may not reflect Tech R&D only, it does provide an indication of how top innovators invest in R&D. Companies that aspire to remain at the top of the innovation game in their respective industries must provision for similar investments.

Competing and leading in the age of 4IR necessitate organizations to mainstream Tech R&D, i.e. they need to transform Tech R&D from a ‘good-to-have but not necessary’ function that is carried out only by a handful of companies into a ‘critical business function’ that is carried out by al large section of companies.

The big question is ‘Are most organizations ready today to mainstream Tech R&D?’ The answer is a resounding ‘No’.

Here are five major challenges in mainstreaming/adopting Tech R&D.

1. The R&D Leadership Talent Shortage

There is a distinct lack of senior leadership talent that understands the nuts-and-bolts of setting up, managing and governing Tech R&D functions. This is one of the biggest impediments in achieving success in corporate R&D initiatives. For instance, several technology services companies have started building Deep Tech research and innovation centers, but have assigned business leaders or leaders with negligible R&D experience to run those functions. Moreover, these executives have generally spent their entire careers in traditional technology (such as application development or IT outsourcing), and have seldom experienced the challenges of creating or dealing with new and untested technologies. As a result, there are formal and informal reports of many of these R&D programs not meeting their intended objectives.

The type of leadership needed to manage high-end innovation structures is much different from traditional business or technology leadership.

  • Global Tech R&D talent is always premium and scarce, and this talent is primarily driven by intrinsic motivation (e.g., passion of technology) instead of extrinsic motivation (e.g., compensation.) Attracting, developing, and retaining such talent is an art, and traditional leadership styles generally fail to meet its demands.
  • The output of R&D teams is generally non-linear, such as long periods of experimentation with limited results, and short periods of massive successes. Leaders with limited R&D experience often fail to efficiently strategize and execute R&D objectives. Moreover, many of them may not possess the mental fortitude to deal with high uncertainty situations.
  • Business leaders primarily depend on external feedback from the market and customers to determine which products or solutions to build. On the other hand, Tech R&D leaders not only rely on external feedback, but also leverage their advanced technical competencies to determine how a specific technology from one domain can be leveraged (individually or in conjunction with other technologies) to solve problems in another domain. This factor is going to be very crucial considering that convergence of multiple technologies will be a key driver of 4IR.
  • Finally, most business and traditional technology executives may not possess the skills to actively contribute to technical discussions in Deep Tech, a key requirement of Tech R&D management today. It is not uncommon today to find self-proclaimed AI or Blockchain or Data Science leaders with very little ‘actual technical experience’, and whose claimed competencies may primarily be based on magazine and internet articles, or basic online courses. Hiring such leaders to run strategic innovation functions is the perfect recipe for disaster.

2. Challenges in dealing with the ‘Corridor of Uncertainty’

In the game of cricket, the ‘Corridor of Uncertainty’ refers to a region of the pitch where, if the ball is bowled, the batter is confused whether to go forward, be on back foot, play the ball in a certain way, or simply leave it. This corridor of uncertainty is a major characteristic of Tech R&D initiatives. On the one end of the spectrum, there are projects and challenges that research teams are confident of executing, and chances of success are generally high. On the other end of the spectrum, there are problems that research teams know they cannot solve today due to a variety of reasons, such as lack of adequate tools and technologies, resource unavailability or budget constraints. However, it is generally observed that many critical, Deep Tech related problems fall in the middle part of this spectrum today. R&D teams are either unsure of the solvability of these problems, or unable to estimate the time and resource needs even if they may be sure of solving the problems.

The key challenge for companies is to determine which problems to solve (and using what approach), and which ones to avoid, or park for the future. Success in Tech R&D largely depends on the ability to address this challenge effectively. It is not easy, and even large, experienced organizations have sometimes failed to accomplish this. R&D initiatives may run into schedule or cost delays, or completely fail to achieve the intended objectives because companies may have picked up the wrong challenge(s) from the corridor of uncertainty. Initial R&D failures (partly or fully) are sometimes followed by a tendency to decommission the entire R&D program, instead of leveraging the lessons learnt to ensure better R&D strategy and execution in future.

3. Constraints in measuring R&D Productivity and R&D/Knowledge Capital

One of the most complex aspects of R&D is the measurement and analysis of the ‘lag effect’. This refers to the productivity lag from investment to innovation, and the lag from the diffusion of that innovation to commercialization. The value addition from R&D usually takes place in a staggered manner over a long period of time, and not immediately or within a short time period. Furthermore, the spill-over effects of R&D productivity to the rest of the company, and sometimes even to the larger innovation ecosystem, has its own measurement challenges. This temporal and gradual distribution of R&D productivity with spill-over impact is very complex to understand and analyze for the purposes of financial accounting and strategic business planning.

Another issue is that the metrics used by many companies to measure R&D Capital are often inadequate and/or inefficiently designed. For instance, some Software R&D businesses tend to use metrics that are borrowed from the manufacturing industry where the output of innovation is often tangible. However, the output of innovation in Software R&D may be intangible, and hence, these metrics may not be valid. Additionally, it is difficult to ascertain certain components like the quantum of knowledge depreciation, or the value of R&D Capital when an R&D project fails. Mere evaluation of Known IP assets and filed/awarded patents do not capture the correct value of R&D or Knowledge Capital.

It is not uncommon to find companies grossly over-estimating or under-estimating the value of their R&D investments/capital due to the above factors. Over-estimation may lead to an inflated sense of corporate valuation that is detrimental in the long-run. In case of under-estimation, companies may incorrectly assume non-realization of the expected return on investments, and this may discourage them from expanding or continuing with their R&D programs.

4. The Challenges of Technological Convergence

Companies are generally efficient in strategizing, executing and governing R&D projects that involve working with individual technologies, especially if these technologies are high on the maturity cycle. This is because the impact of such individual technologies are usually linear in nature, and this linearity is easy to comprehend and address. However, 4IR is the age of technological convergence where multiple technologies interact, at different levels and in varying proportions, to produce non-linear or even extreme outcomes. Organizations generally find it difficult to deal with convergence-centric R&D projects because of this high uncertainty and unpredictability. Moreover, the complexity of convergence is likely to keep increasing as emerging technologies evolve and newer technologies come into play. Since most of Tech R&D today is convergence-centric, this creates an impediment in its large-scale adoption and mainstreaming.

5. The mindset barrier of traditional companies

Many companies, particularly those connected to the old economy, have seldom considered Tech R&D to be a core strategic area. This mindset still prevails to a great extent. These companies generally hold the view that Tech R&D is the business of only core technology companies. Since there is a constraint on organizational resources (such as bandwidth, finance or workloads), business goals that are higher up in the priority chain take precedence, and Tech R&D takes a backseat or gets outright neglected.

Furthermore, any form of research is a long-time bet. The same is true of Tech R&D, where technology needs to be first developed or improved, and then put to use to address specific business cases, often through iterative prototyping. This not only takes time, but also involves high chances of failure. Additionally, the non-linear nature of R&D makes it hard to define effective metrics for measuring success, or for predicting the outcomes of efforts. Hence, companies that are highly risk-averse or do not cope well with uncertainty may shy away from venturing into R&D.

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Key Considerations in Applied Tech R&D

1. Build, Buy, Partner, or Outsource?

Companies first need to determine the best possible strategy for engaging in Tech R&D. This decision depends on the strategic goals, operating or business models, investment capacity, technology adoption, risk appetite, and products or services of the company.

  • The ‘Build’ model implies independent development of the Tech R&D function by companies. This strategy works best when Deep Tech is extremely strategic to the core value propositions of companies, and tightly coupled with their products and services.
  • The ‘Buy’ model pertains to acquisitions of Deep Tech startups and R&D-centric companies that enable the acquirers to initiate their Tech R&D journeys, or scale-up (or address strategic gaps) in already existing R&D functions. Like the ‘Build’ model, this strategy works best when Deep Tech is extremely strategic to the acquirers’ core value propositions, and tightly coupled with their products and services. Also, this model is generally suitable for scaling-up rather than setting up new Tech R&D functions.
  • The ‘Partner’ model pertains to collaborative R&D such as joint ventures with academia or another company, or a group of companies working together on a common R&D program. This model is most optimal when two or more companies/entities are working to solve a common industry challenge, or when companies may not have the financial power to independently invest in Tech R&D, or when companies intend to reduce their overall R&D risk by sharing that with others. This model also works well for established R&D functions that need to scale-up within short timelines.
  • The ‘Outsource’ model implies outsourcing the R&D efforts to a third party. This model works best when Deep Tech may not be closely linked to the products and services of companies, or when companies do not possess the requisite technical leadership, financial strength or strategic intent to conduct in-house R&D. Note that the traditional Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) model may not always work because of the highly unstructured and complex nature of Deep Tech. Additionally, this model should ideally be executed with tested vendors only. As Deep Tech is still evolving, vendors with limited Tech R&D experience or sub-optimal resources may not be able to deliver quality output.

2. Develop an external innovation ecosystem.

Irrespective of whatever Tech R&D strategy a company decides to pursue, it needs to develop a larger ecosystem around its innovation function. There are two key reasons for this. Firstly, top talent is scarce, and not limited to individual companies. Hence, it is important to tap into external talent. Secondly, it is unrealistic to assume that a company can develop every component of its products and services on its own, especially considering that Deep Tech-enabled development involves significant time and efforts. Hence, there is a strategic need to leverage the ecosystem to accelerate the cycle time for development, reduce overall costs, and/or enhance product or service quality.

The external ecosystem refers to associations with peer companies, academic institutions, startups, incubators, accelerators, government institutions, contractors, and even customers. The idea is to build (and nurture) a network of external relationships that can be leveraged as and when needed. This collective R&D is not new. For instance, in the 1960s and 1970s, top Japanese manufacturing companies reportedly spent over 25% of their cumulative R&D investments on identifying and adopting new technologies from the West. This has often been cited as a key reason for Japan’s growth in the 1980s and 1990s. Note that engagements with the external ecosystem may not be limited to Tech R&D alone; it could also be extended to Go-To-Market initiatives, product or solution development, and other programs.

3. Solve the R&D Leadership conundrum before formulating the R&D strategy.

Leadership matters, and in cases of highly complex functions like Tech R&D, this matters even more. R&D functions must be led only by senior executives that can provide the requisite intellectual and technical leadership. The search for this leadership is often time-consuming (I am aware of searches that took as much as 18 months), but it is advisable that companies do not finalize their R&D strategies or hire other team members till this position is on board. In the long run, the return on investment from hiring a strong R&D executive generally compensates for any losses due to delay in setting up the function.

Furthermore, the R&D function must either be a fully autonomous organization, or directly under the CTO. This is due to the fact that R&D teams need a high degree of decision-making authority (in terms of determining their internal procedures, work schedules and employee evaluation criteria) because of the creative, complex and highly unstructured nature of their work. Many leading companies have implemented special HR policies, including customized appraisal and compensation structures, for their R&D functions. Forcing R&D teams to follow the same procedures, guidelines and standards as the rest of the organization is often counter-productive.

4. Tech R&D programs should focus on multiple technologies, including those from other industries.

It is sometimes observed that companies attempt to solve problems through one or two technologies, or through ideas and technologies that are industry-specific. This is an inefficient strategy, especially in today’s age when technologies, ideas and processes from different fields are converging. R&D programs should, as much as realistically possible, focus their efforts on leveraging multiple state-of-the-art technologies and critical ideas – irrespective of where they originate, or where they are currently utilized.

Several major breakthroughs and key innovations have taken place due to the inter-play of multiple technologies, or when technologies from one industry were deployed in another. Here are some examples.

  • X-rays, and their use in medical science, were discovered while testing the passage of cathode rays through glass.
  • Formula 1 Pit Stops led to the creation of McDonald’s Drive Thru restaurants.
  • 3M developed their pathbreaking surgical drapes for preventing infections based on the work of Hollywood’s makeup artists.
  • BMW’s iDrive system was based on innovations from the video game industry.
  • Fujitsu’s innovation of automatically paying insurance money to heat affected workers in near real-time is a seminal example of the convergence of Artificial Intelligence, IoT and Blockchain.
  • Blockchain’s use cases in healthcare originated from its use in banking and financial services.
  • Cryptography and Blockchain are being leveraged to find solutions to address the ‘Black Box’ nature of Deep Learning in AI.

… and the list goes on.

5. M&A may not be an optimal strategy for setting up new Tech R&D functions.

Several companies, in their bid to initiate R&D efforts with a bang, follow the M&A route. This is a risky proposition. Firstly, companies with negligible prior experience in Tech R&D are often unequipped to evaluate the knowledge capital, IP assets and ‘real value’ of the acquired entity. Secondly, the M&A process itself can be complex and time-consuming, and this may negate some of the benefits of acquiring an established R&D entity. Thirdly, the chances of M&A failures can be high (due to a variety of reasons), thus jeopardizing the R&D goals of companies. A case in point is Mattel’s 1998 failed acquisition of The Learning Company. Mattel, a traditional toy company, decided to enter into high-tech toys and computer gaming through this M&A. While there were various reasons for the failure, one of them was Mattel’s inability to understand the dynamics of a company where Tech R&D played a crucial role.

This is not to say that M&As do not work in Tech R&D. In fact, it has often proven to be an effective strategy while ramping up or addressing critical gaps in existing R&D functions. There are plenty of seminal examples where tech M&As have been extremely successful, particularly if the acquirers are established technology players and understand the minutiae of technology research. Companies like Alphabet/Google, Apple, Microsoft, Oracle, and others have a long track record of carrying out successful M&As over the years, several of them being R&D-focused.

Closing Comments

The cost of venturing into Tech R&D is high, but the cost of not doing so will be higher.

Applied Tech R&D, despite the challenges associated with its development and governance, is one of the most critical determinants of business leadership in this new industrial age, and its significance will only keep increasing with time. It enables companies to disrupt their respective industries through radical innovation; provides ammunition to prepare for future battles; and at times, even enables companies to chart entirely new courses.

Deep Tech, the primary enabler of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), is a great leveler. Its associated technologies, especially Artificial Intelligence, can shorten the competitive gap between a small company and a large Fortune 500 corporation. Since this is a new and evolving field, most adopters are just on or around the starting line today. Hence, this is the optimal time for the fence-sitters, the late adopters and non-technology companies to leverage Deep Tech through Applied Tech R&D. The 4IR marathon has just begun, and just like everything else in life, the ones that adapt better to the changing dynamics will eventually march ahead.


Disclaimer: The R&D spend data mentioned in the paper are based on publicly available reports. No claim is made regarding the originality, authenticity, or ownership of this data.

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