China’s Super-Scale Intelligence Model System

The Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI) released China’s first super-scale intelligence model system: WuDao 1.0.

This is a combination of four very large-scale NLP models.

  • WenYuan: China’s largest pre-training language model (supporting Chinese & English) for text categorization, sentiment analysis, reading comprehension, etc. It claims GPT-3 comparable performance on several important NLU tasks.
  • WenLan: Universal graphic multimodal pre-training model, and achieves SOTA results in image captioning, visual entailment, etc.
  • WenHui: Cognitive-oriented pre-training model for solving some of the core problems in Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), including machine learning based complex reasoning.
  • WenSu: Large-scale training model for biomolecular structure prediction, based on BERT.

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